World of Real Estate Journal 105 (3/2018) - Table of Content


1) Magdalena Habdas, Jan Konowalczuk - Purpose and Principles of Effective State Intervention in the Form of Restricted Use Areas for Airports


2) Sabina Źróbek, Ewa Kucharska-Stasiak, Radosław Cellmer - In Search of Causes of Biased Property Valuations

3) Agnieszka Małkowska, Małgorzata Uhruska - Institutional Determinants of a Property Appraiser Profession Activities - Current Status and Directions of Desirable Changes


4) Monika Sosnowska - An Analysis of Significance and Share of Real Estate in Assets of Pharmaceutical Sector Enterprises


5) Andrzej Muczyński – Financial Model of Municipal Housing Stock Management

6) Marcin Boruta, Piotr Bartkowiak, Adam Chodkiewicz – Senior as an Acquirer of Real Estate on a Residential Market as Seen by Home Brokers – Selected Aspects


7) Mateusz Tomal, Adam Nalepka – The Impact of Local Development on Investment Inclination in Local Governments of Małopolska Province

8) Mateusz Ilba – Flood Risk of the City of Krakow in the Context of Spatial Planning Policy


9) Izabela Rudzka – Basics of Game Theory in City Management

10) Paulina Śliz – An Analysis of Effectiveness, Reliability and Process Stability at Krakow-Płaszow Sewage Treatment Plant


11) Maciej J. Nowak - Special purpose housing act DOWNLOAD


12) Agata Suder - 10th Scientific and Didactic Symposium of GRUNT Scientific Research Group ‘Real Estate Market in Poland – Challenges and Prospects’ (Poronin, 20-22 April, 2018) DOWNLOAD

13) Ewelina Nawrocka - 35th International Scientific Conference of EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE SOCIETY  (ERES) (Great Britain, Reading, 27-30 June, 2018) DOWNLOAD

14) Piotr Bartkowiak - Henryk Gawron, Łukasz Strączkowski, Stan iperspektywy rozwoju budownictwa irynku mieszkaniowego waglomeracji poznańskiej – review DOWNLOAD


Magdalena Habdas, Jan Konowalczuk - Purpose and Principles of Effective State Intervention in the Form of Restricted Use Areas for Airports

State intervention in the form of restricted use areas created for airports is presented in the context of selected law and economics theories, in particular the Posner’s positive and normative assessments (the Chicago school), Coase’s transaction cost theory have been applied as well as the neo-institutional approach that allows examining the influence of legal provisions on the economic system and the activities of individuals and institutions. The state intervention under consideration is presented in a wider context of its purpose and character with attention given to the particular problem of overlapping claims. The conducted research shows that there is a systemic error in the intervention on the real estate market within RUAs. The error concerns the principles of measuring the transferred rights and subsequently also the identified value of loss. Losses that are valued do not remain within the causal relationship derived from the introduction of new restrictions in the use of land. Therefore, the valued loss is greater than the actual transfer of rights. As a consequence, it is not possible to implement the purpose of the inter vention, namely lowering the transaction costs.

Keywords: restricted use area of the airport, compensation, airport noise, state intervention in the real estate market, transaction costs

JEL Classification: K320, K110, D04

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Habdas, M., Konowalczuk, J. (2018). Cele i warunki skutecznej interwencji Państwa w obszarach ograniczonego użytkowania portów lotniczych. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3), 5-16.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.001 

Sabina Źróbek, Ewa Kucharska-Stasiak, Radosław Cellmer - In Search of Causes of Biased Property Valuations

The guiding principle of the conducted research was the thesis that one of important reasons for biased property valuations are unethical behaviours of property appraisers and their customers. The term ‘customer’ in the article is used when it refers to an immediate recipient (user) of an appraisal report. The results of the literature analysis of the subject and the own results of previous empirical studies, including the questionnaire responses given by Polish property appraisers largely confirmed the validity of this assumption. The research revealed, among others: most often individuals, investors, banks and municipalities tried to change the valuation result, while most rarely it was attempted by tax offices. Further detailed analyses of the collected material allowed formulating further observations, for example, that the valuation bias was not influenced by the age and experience of an appraiser.

Keywords: property valuer, real estate, ethics in valuation

JEL Classification: R30, R39

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Źróbek, S., Kucharska-Stasiak, E., Cellmer, R. (2018). W poszukiwaniu przyczyn stronniczych wycen nieruchomości. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3),  17-22.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.002

Agnieszka Małkowska, Małgorzata Uhruska - Institutional Determinants of a Property Appraiser Profession Activities - Current Status and Directions of Desirable Changes

Property valuation still belongs to regulated professions and its performance is covered by legal and professional regulations. The quality and efficiency of doing business by appraisers are influenced by the institutional determinants and their changes over time as well as the behaviour of experts themselves seeking a market for their services. The goal of this paper is to understand how appraisers rate the current services market and what they recognise as the most desired directions for improvement, especially in the realm of institutional conditions. The analysis was based on the information gathered through a survey conducted among professionally active property appraisers belonging to professional associations throughout Poland. The survey was carried out between June and October 2018 and the research sample was 242 respondents. The results clearly show that the institutional environment is considered to be a very important factor in shaping the quality of work. Amongst others, the desired improvements include increasing the requirements for candidates for the profession, strengthening the legal protection of property appraisers and the role of professional standards, actions against unfair competition, and finally, introducing a professional chamber.

Keywords: real estate valuation, property appraiser, institutional conditions, market of valuation services, real estate market

JEL Classification: D18, D52, D80, R28, K25, K29, L85

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Małkowska, A., Uhruska, M. (2018). Uwarunkowania instytucjonalne działalności zawodowej rzeczoznawcy majątkowego – stan obecny i pożądane kierunki zmian. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3), 23-34.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.003

Monika Sosnowska - An Analysis of Significance and Share of Real Estate in Assets of Pharmaceutical Sector Enterprises

The purpose of this article is to assess whether there are any formal criteria required regarding presentation of information published by multinational pharmaceutical enterprises in the realm of managed portfolios of corporate real estate and also whether this scope of data can be used to assess the quality of corporate real estate management. The research was carried out based on the sample of twenty largest multinational pharmaceutical companies during the period 2001-2015. The results reveal lack of standardisation of information presented, including efficiency of their use, information about the impact on corporate financial results and benefits associated with their utilization. The analysis presents a consolidated perspective, thus the results are not discussed on the level of particular entities in particular countries where their activity is conducted. The findings of the article reveal that corporate real estate is overlooked in assessment of enterprise financial management and corporate performance due to the lack of information and unavailable source information for users of financial statements. The subject of the influence of corporate real estate financial management is the area of deficiency of information presented to shareholders and analysts despite its wide-ranging and significant impact on the overall performance of enterprises and its contribution to the chain of value added created by commercial organizations.

Keywords: corporate real estate, ownership, cost of rental, annual reports

JEL Classification: G32

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Sosnowska, M. (2018). Analiza znaczenia i udziału nieruchomości w aktywach przedsiębiorstw sektora farmaceutycznego. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3), 35-40.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.004

Andrzej Muczyński – Financial Model of Municipal Housing Stock Management

This work identifies the model of financial flows in the municipal housing stock management carried out in the mixed system. The method of source documentation analysis in a set of selected Polish cities and open interviews with experts from organizational units of the Olsztyn municipality as well as private property managers of housing associations were applied. The model presents the structure and mechanisms of financial flows in municipal housing stock management of a typical urban municipality. The obtained model is universal and constitutes a platform for analyses and detailed research leading to improvement of municipal housing stock management, and thus to improving the efficiency of municipal property management in Poland.

Keywords: financial flows, management model, municipal housing stock

JEL Classification: L32, L85, O18

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Muczyński, A. (2018). Model finansowy zarządzania zasobami lokalowymi gminy miejskiej. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3), 41-48.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.005

Marcin Boruta, Piotr Bartkowiak, Adam Chodkiewicz – Senior as an Acquirer of Real Estate on a Residential Market as Seen by Home Brokers – Selected Aspects

Changes on the Polish housing market determined by the demographic shifts occurring within the society are, according to many experts, imminent. For this reason, in recent years, an increased interest in the issue of developing the housing offer for seniors has been observed. The purpose of this article is to present the preferences of senior citizens regarding their future places of residence. In order to achieve this objective, questionnaire surveys conducted among professionally active real estate agents operating in the Greater Poland Voivodeship, have been employed. The results of the conducted research demonstrate that senior citizens are most likely to search for flats which consist of two bedrooms and have a floor space of up to 50 sq m. Flats in blocks of flats are the most sought-after types of real estate The features of the real estate which are of greatest importance to senior citizens are the location – close to family members and public transport, a balcony, and whether the building has been adapted to the needs of the disabled.

Keywords: senior citizens, housing market, population ageing, housing for senior citizens

JEL Classification: R31

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Boruta, M., Bartkowiak, P., Chodkiewicz, A. (2018). Senior jako nabywca ni eruchomości na r ynku mieszkaniowym w opinii pośredników w obrocie nieruchomościami – wybrane obszary. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3),  49-54.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.006

Mateusz Tomal, Adam Nalepka – The Impact of Local Development on Investment Inclination in Local Governments of Małopolska Province

The article addresses the problem of the impact of local development on investment inclination in local governments of Małopolska Province in the years 2014-2016. The main thesis of the conducted research is the assumption that local governments with a higher socio-economic level of development, enjoying greater investment possibilities, are more likely to undertake investment activities. In order to solve the addressed scientific problem a multiple regression method was applied. The carried out research demonstrated that municipalities with a higher level of development undertake investment activities more often, thus supporting the thesis put forward. This relation is particularly noticeable in the case of investments in technical infrastructure. Moreover, it was concluded that the main determinant of the local governments’ investment inclination is their financial situation.

Keywords: local development, investment expenditure, local government

JEL Classification: H72, R53

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Tomal, M., Nalepka, A. (2018). Badanie wpływu poziomu rozwoju gmin na ich skłonność do inwestowania na przykładzie gmin województwa małopolskiego. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3), 55-60.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.007

Mateusz Ilba – Flood Risk of the City of Krakow in the Context of Spatial Planning Policy

In this article the author presents the problems of spatial planning in areas at risk of flooding. The area of research was the floodplain area of the Dłubnia River in the city of Krakow. As a result of a spatial analysis, structures which are in the area of real flood hazard were determined. The spatial planning method was assessed and the course of implementation of the Local Development Plan guidelines. Spatial planning in the selected area is carried out in the proper manner but some elements of the plans should be updated. As a result of the study of latest investments it was determined that the underlying assumptions for development are not implemented by some investors. This exposes future property owners to financial losses in case of f looding.

Keywords: flood risk, spatial planning, investment in floodplains, ISOK, spatial analysis

JEL Classification: R58

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Ilba, M. (2018). Ryzyko powodziowe miasta Krakowa w kontekście polityki planowania przestrzennego. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3), 61-68.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.008

Izabela Rudzka – Basics of Game Theory in City Management

A city is a conglomerate of many functions, interests, processes, and tasks. Within this complex organism, one can observe constant interaction and feedback, and games – visible and invisible – take place on a daily basis. Games for power, influence, resources, survival or development. The players are public authorities, administration, society at large, enterprises, non-governmental organizations, churches and religious associations. Alliances are often forged within one game. However, it is quite often the case that that a game is limited to two players. We are not free to limit our role to that of a casual observer with respect to these games. After all, a passive attitude towards the situation in the city will not mean that we will be free from the outcomes of a said situation. An analysis of how these games transpire and evolve is possible, among other, by applying the principles of classical game theory. A more profound understanding of how the games function in the context of the city will allow one not only to better comprehend the processes that transpire within the large municipal organism, but also provide an opportunity to make better choices, and, once the right skills are acquired, to increase the effectiveness of one’s own actions. This article is an attempt to theoretically capture the real processes that take place in the city. The tools and constructs of game theory are used to illustrate the potential possibilities offered by the theory with respect to making management decisions related to various processes that transpire within city limits.

Keywords: conflict, city management, the game theory

JEL Classification: C70, P40

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Rudzka, I. (2018). Podstawy teorii gier w zarządzaniu miastem. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3), 69-76.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.009  

Paulina Śliz – An Analysis of Effectiveness, Reliability and Process Stability at Krakow-Płaszow Sewage Treatment Plant

The aim of the research was to analyse the sewage management of the city of Krakow in the field of assessing the effectiveness, reliability and stability of wastewater treatment processes taking place in the largest sewage management facility of the city and the region - Płaszow Sewage Treatment Plant. The analysis was performed for the following pollution indicators: BOD5, CODCr, total nitrogen and phosphorus. For each of them a percentage reduction effectiveness and treatment plant reliability factors were calculated. The assessment of the stability of work of the sewage treatment plant in the period under the examination 2015-2016 was conducted by using X control cards for the simple test. It was concluded that the tested sewage treatment plant works properly, which is confirmed by high values of the pollution indicators reduction and values of treatment plant reliability factors (WN) at under 1.00. Full stability of most pollution indicators removal process was stated.

Keywords: wastewater management, efficiency of work, reliability of the purifying process, control charts, sewage treatment plant

JEL Classification: R11

Category of the paper: research article

CITATION (APA): Śliz, P. (2018). Analiza skuteczności, niezawodności i stabilności procesów w Oczyszczalni Ścieków Kraków-Płaszów. Świat Nieruchomości, 105(3), 77-82.

DOI: 10.14659/WOREJ.2018.105.010

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