Current Scoring for Polish Researchers
Number of points for publications in the World of Real Estate Journal - 20 points.
Journal Scoring for Polish Researchers 2010 - 2015
Date | Type | Item No. |
Part | Points |
23-12-2015 | Scientific Journals List (published by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education) | 1897 | B | 10 |
13-07-2015 | Correction list of 31-12-2014 | 2226 | B | 7 |
13-06-2015 | Correction list of 31-12-2014 | 2226 | B | 7 |
13-05-2015 | Correction list of 31-12-2014 | 2226 | B | 7 |
31-12-2014 | Scientific Journals List (published by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education) | 13222 | B | 7 |
17-12-2013 | Scientific Journals List (published by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education) | 2258 | B | 7 |
20-12-2012 | Scientific Journals List (published by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education) | 1551 | B | 5 |
06-11-2010 | Scientific Journals List (published by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education) | B | 6 |