World of Real Estate Journal 83 (1/2013) - Table of Contents


1) Sebastian Kokot - Motivations and expectations of future appraisals, real estate brokers and managers of property. Results of questionnaire research
2) Maciej J. Nowak - Local plans of spatial arrangement as the determinant of balanced development in the management of significant areas of the cities covered by the Natura 2000


3) Agnieszka Telega, Joanna Węgrzyn - The importance of administrative procedures in the contexts of institutional determinants of land development
4) Katarzyna Kania – Formal and legal conditions of real estate predevelopment
5) Wojciech Drozd - Participants of renovation process of historical sites and relationships between them


6) Anna Michalska, Beata Kusz, Kamil Fijorek - The analysis of interdependence between regional GDP and value of transactions conducted on the market of housing premises in Poland
7) Barbara Stolinska - Acquisition of real estate by foreign entities in Poland – partial research results
8) Justyna Kłobukowska – Reverse mortgage in Poland in view of European practice


9) Elżbieta Twardowska, Klaudia Twardowska - The results of Lodz city self-government activities in developing local housing policy


10) Maciej J. Nowak - The Minister for regional development in spacial planning DOWNLAND


11) Mariusz Chudak – Ewa Klima, „Przestrzeń religijna miasta” - review DOWNLAND


12) Bartłomiej Marona – 8th Didactic Seminar of European Real Estate Society  (Aalto, 30th November - 1st December 2012) DOWNLAND


Sebastian Kokot - Motivations and expectations of future appraisals, real estate brokers and managers of property. Results of questionnaire research

In this article the author presented the results of questionnaire research carried out among students of Valuation, Management and Dealing of Property specialty of studies. The aim of the research was to find out about motivations of candidates for the studies and electing this particular specialty as well as their expectations regarding the nature of the performed work after graduation and the level of earnings, and how they had changed during three consecutive academic years.

Key words: property valuation; property management; property turnover; questionnaire

Citation (APA): Kokot, S. (2013). Motywacje i oczekiwania przyszłych rzeczoznawców majątkowych, pośredników w obrocie i zarządców nieruchomości. Wyniki badania ankietowego. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 4-15.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.01

Maciej J. Nowak - Local plans of spatial arrangement as the determinant of balanced development in the management of significant areas of the cities covered by the Natura 2000

The spatial order is the basis of spatial policy which is composed of numerous, diverse conditions, including the environmental ones. Moreover, the subjects shaping the spatial policy should base their actions on balanced development. The balanced development can be associated with numerous institution, including the procedure of environmental impact assessment or forms of preservation. The aim of this article is to determine how the active spatial policy pursued by the municipality can affect the goals important from an environmental point of view related to the balanced development. The study covered the cities and towns of West Pomeranian province where, to a significant extent, the author isolated the areas of Natura 2000 as at 1 January 2012.

Key words: spatial policy; balanced development; environmental impact assessment; West Pomeranian province

Citation (APA): Nowak, M.J. (2013). Miejscowe plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego determinantą zrównoważonego rozwoju w zarządzaniu miastami objętymi znacząco obszarami Natury 2000. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 16-23.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.02

Agnieszka Telega, Joanna Węgrzyn - The importance of administrative procedures in the contexts of institutional determinants of land development

This paper presents the problem of institutions and institutional approaches in the assessment of land development functioning. The objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between the investment attractiveness and procedural (administrative) environment of development activity in thirty European countries. This article was prepared as part of the research project ‘Institutional determinants of investment activity in Poland in the context of public management’, NCN , contract No. 4143/B/H03/2011/40.

Key words: investment activity; investment attractiveness; institutions

Citation (APA): Telega, A., Węgrzyn, J. (2013). Znaczenie procedur administracyjnych w kontekście instytucjonalnych uwarunkowań działalności inwestycyjnej. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 16-23.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.03

Katarzyna Kania - Formal and legal conditions of real estate predevelopment

The objective of the article is the presentation of the most important legal conditions which determine the way of an investor’s acting the in predevelopment phase of an investment process. The article is the part of the research project ‘Institutional conditions of investment activity in Poland in the context of public management as exemplified by selected cities” funded by NCN.

Key words: Investment process; inwestor; legal conditions; real estate

Citation (APA): Kania, K. (2013). Uwarunkowania formalnoprawne przygotowania budowlanego procesu inwestycyjnego. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 30-35.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.04

Wojciech Drozd - Participants of renovation process of historical sites and relationships between them

The article presents problems of historical buildings renovation works viewed in relation to participants of works performance process, their planning and the final effect. An attempt to analyse an influence of specific participants, taking into account possible relationships between them, on the works’ final value as well as to identify causes of technical and economical divergences in the main stages of the process was made. The presented problems were described due to scarce publications treating on the subject area.

Key words: repair; antique buildings; participants of repair processes

Citation (APA): Drozd, W. (2013). Uczestnicy procesu remontowego obiektów zabytkowych i relacje między nimi. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 36-39.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.05

Anna Michalska, Beata Kusz, Kamil Fijorek - The analysis of interdependence between regional GDP and value of transactions conducted on the market of housing premises in Poland

The problematic aspects of an analysis of the housing market in Poland most frequently concern such categories as: credit interest, real estate average transaction prices or unemployment rate. Nevertheless, little attention is paid to seeking the relation between development of the real estate sector and the pace of the economic growth of any given country in regional depiction. Thus, this article covers the problematic aspects of studying the dependence between regional GDP formation and value of transactions conducted in the market of housing premises. The authors have also attempted a spatial identification of groups of provinces being homogenous in terms of measuring such variables as medium-term GDP rates of change and fluctuations of buy/sell transaction prices of housing premises in Poland during the period 2003-2008.

Key words: the housing market; the market of living premises; regional GDP formation; buy/sell transaction prices of living premises

Citation (APA): Michalska, A., Kusz, B., Fijorek, K. (2013). Analiza współzależności regionalnego PKB oraz wartości transakcji przeprowadzonych na rynku lokali mieszkaniowych w Polsce. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 40-45.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.06

Barbara Stoińska - Acquisition of real estate by foreign entities in Poland – partial research results

In the light of the ongoing debate on the maintenance of the restrictions regarding the acquisition of property by entities that are in accordance with the 24 March 1920 Acquisition of Real Estate by Foreigners Act (Dz.U. 2004, No. 167, Item 1758) it is useful to know the opinions of foreign entities who can assess the formal and legal conditions for acquisition of property in Poland. The experience in purchasing real estate by entities with foreign capital pursuant to the 24 March 1920 Act on the acquisition of property by foreigners may be prerequisite for the identification of difficulties in buying property by entities with foreign capital in Poland.

Key words: real estate; acquisition; foreign entities

Citation (APA): Stolińska, B. (2013). Nabywanie nieruchomości przez podmioty z większościowym udziałem kapitału zagranicznego w Polsce – częściowe wyniki badań. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 46-53.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.07

Justyna Kłobukowska - Reverse mortgage in Poland in view of European practice

Reverse mortgage allows elderly people to access the equity they have accrued in their housing property without requiring them to leave or sell their homes. It is based on a credit agreement concluded between a homeowner and a bank (or other financial institutions). The main purpose of the article is to present equity release markets in Europe, introduce the definition of reverse mortgage and discuss legal forms of this financial product in the Polish market.

Key words: reverse mortgage; credit agreement; Europe

Citation (APA): Kłobukowska, J. (2013). Odwrócona hipoteka w Polsce na tle Europejskich rozwiązań. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 54-59.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.08

Elżbieta Twardowska, Klaudia Twardowska - The results of Lodz city self-government activities in developing local housing policy

Changes in conditions of the economy, including the reactivation of the local government, have imposed new tasks with respect to satisfying housing needs. As a result of systemic transformation, the local governments have been obliged to shape and improve the existing housing conditions of their community. For this purpose number of laws important for the functioning of the housing sector have been introduced. Improving housing conditions in Poland is seen in the adoption of the long-term development programs of housing development and intensification of activities in the realm of creating conditions for shaping housing situation. This article attempts to evaluate the readiness of Lodz municipality to fulfil the obligation of the municipality to adopt a multiannual program. According to Art. 21 of Protection of Tenants’ Rights, Municipal Housing Stock and amending the Civil Code Act, detailed undertakings of the municipality authorities regarding proper implementation of the housing policy should be included in “Wieloletni Program Gospodarowania Mieszkaniowym Zasobem Gminy”.

Key words: the housing needs; municipal housing assets; housing situation

Citation (APA): Twardowska, E., Twardowska, K. (2013). Prace władz samorządowych miasta Łodzi nad opracowanie lokalnej polityki mieszkaniowej. Świat Nieruchomości, (1(83)), 60-65.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2013.83.09

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