World of Real Estate Journal 92 (2/2015) - Table of Contents


1. Michał Głuszak, Bartłomiej Marona – The Impact of Property Tax Reform on Housing Costs in Poland
2. Małgorzata Zięba – Sustainable Housing Communities in the Cohousing Formula


3. Anna Kiepas-Kokot, Maciej J. Nowak – Use of Local Plans in Limiting the Expansion of Outdoor Advertising in the Public Space as Exemplified by Coastal Communes of Western Pomerania
4. Bogusław Luchter – Areas of Accommodation Services in Cracow in the Years 1992–2012 as Exemplified by the Former Cadastral Borough of Śródmieście


5. Lesław Polny, Ewelina Wójciak – Weight Fractions of Real Estate Market Characteristics and Preferences of Potential Buyers
6. Justyna Brzezicka, Radosław Wiśniewski – The Directions of the Real Estate Market Research Evolution

7. Adam Nalepka – Public-Private Partnership Development in Poland in the Years 2009-2014


8. Anna Katarzyna Wieczór, Ewelina Pawłowska, Mirosław Henryk Filar – Historical Buildings in Małopolska Used by Universities


9. Maciej J. Nowak - Changes in the Building Law - the Consequences for Entrepreneurs DOWNLOAD


10. Bartłomiej Marona – 31th Conference of American Real Estate Society  (Fort Myers, Florida, USA, 14–18 April 2015) DOWNLOAD


11. Piotr Wancke – „Prawne aspekty gospodarowania nieruchomościami wujęciu praktycznym” –  Poltext publishing proposal DOWNLOAD


Michał Głuszak, Bartłomiej Marona - The Impact of Property Tax Reform on Housing Costs in Poland

The property tax reform in Poland and transformation from area based property tax towards ad valorem model has long been discussed in the literature. One of the major  topics, but still relatively understudied is tax burden for households in major metropolitan areas. In this context the main purpose of this article is to demonstrate  the impact of property tax reform on housing costs in Poland – both in terms of overall affordability and structure. Paper is based on literature review and empirical  research based on case study method (simulation based on two housing cooperatives located in Krakow).

Keywords: property tax; ad valorem property tax; property management

JEL Classicication:
H2, H7, M00

Citation (APA):
Głuszak, M., Marona, B. (2015). Wpływ wprowadzenia podatku od wartości nieruchomości na koszty eksploatacji nieruchomości mieszkaniowych w Polsce. Świat Nieruchomości, (2(92)), 5-12.


Małgorzata Zięba - Sustainable Housing Communities in the Cohousing Formula

The paper briefly describes the idea of cohousing communities built and managed by their owners and residents. The Author introduces special features of cohousing,  which distinguish it from other forms of housing, i.e. non-profit construction and management by owners-users, creation of the sense of a community and strong social ties. It has been emphasized that the concept of cohousing incorporates realization of sustainable and ecological houses as well as sustainable communities, and is part of contemporary economic and social trends of limiting consumption – degrowth. The paper includes an analysis of conditions facilitating more extensive  realization of housing in this formula in Poland as well as barriers, especially legal and mental ones – lack of social capital required to create close and cooperating cohousing communities.

Keywords: sustainable housing, sustainable development, cohousing

JEL Classicication: R11, R31, O44

Citation (APA): Zięba, M. (2015). Zrównoważone osiedla mieszkaniowe w formule cohousing’u. Świat Nieruchomości, (2(92)), 13-20.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2015.92.02

Anna Kiepas-Kokot, Maciej J. Nowak - The Use of Local Plans in Limiting the Expansion of Outdoor Advertising in the Public Space as Exemplified by Coastal Communes of Western Pomerania

The aim of this paper is to determine whether municipalities have sufficient tools for shaping spatial policy allowing to maintain or gain (recovery) order and aesthetics of public space as well as whether these tools are used. For the analysis six coastal communes of Western Pomerania have been selected. The reason behind the selection as the object of the analysis of the coastal communes was the assumption that, due to their location in the attractive tourist space, those municipalities are on the one hand subjected to strong pressure senders of advertisers and, at the same time, users of this space expect a high level of spatial aesthetics as a place of recreation and rest.

Keywords: spatial planning, advertising media, landscape conservation, local zoning plan

JEL Classicication: A39

Citation (APA): Kiepas-Kokot, A., Nowak, M.J. (2015). Wykorzystanie planów miejscowych w ograniczaniu ekspansji reklamy zewnętrznej w przestrzeni publicznej na przykładzie nadmorskich gmin województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Świat Nieruchomości, (2(92)), 21-26.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2015.92.03

Bogusław Luchter - Areas of Accommodation Services in Cracow in the Years 1992–2012 as Exemplified by the Former Cadastral Borough of Śródmieście

This article is aimed at evaluating the extent of land use conversions which took place in the recent 20-years’ period (1992–2012), viz. almost since the very beginning of the market-oriented economy in Poland, up to the present day, taking Cracow as an example, and particularly its oldest part–viz. Śródmieście, a former cadastral district functioning in the years 1867–1951. Tourist accommodation services were investigated– apart from culture and science - one of the few leading economy branches in the town’s spatial and business development.

Keywords: economic geography, land use in cities, spatial economy, land use of urban space, spatial development, tourism development

JEL Classicication: R39

Citation (APA): Luchter, B. (2015). Lokalizacja bazy noclegowej w Krakowie w latach 1992–2012 w byłej dzielnicy katastralnej – Śródmieście. Świat Nieruchomości, (2(92)), 27-34.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2015.92.04

Lesław Polny, Ewelina Wójciak - Weight Fractions of Real Estate Market Characteristics and Preferences of Potential Buyers

Determining of market characteristics influence on transaction prices is the primary determinant of estimate market value accuracy. Weight fractions of attributes should thus be established on basis of research into potential buyers preferences. In the study carrying out a survey among real estate agents was proposed, together with processing the results taking into account the degree of varying confidence towards respondents. Weigh fractions were also established in accordance with the ceteris paribus principle and on basis of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The essence of the elaboration is the conclusion regarding the results weighting comparison determined by analytical methods with weight shares emerging from the survey.

Keywords: preferences of potential real estate buyers, ceteris paribus principle, weight fractions of market characteristics

JEL Classicication: L85

Citation (APA): Polny, L., Wójciak, E. (2015). Udziały wagowe cech rynkowych nieruchomości a preferencje potencjalnych nabywców. Świat Nieruchomości, (2(92)), 35-42.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2015.92.05

Justyna Brzezicka, Radosław Wiśniewski - The Directions of the Real Estate Market Research Evolution

The article raises the issue concerning the significance of the subjective plane of the real estate market that is connected with the role played by the active subjects in the real estate system. The paper comprises a short description of the subjective plane of the real estate market prepared on the basis of a behavioural trend and presents two examples confirming that the subjective processes exist on that market. It constituted a basis for an attempt to bring closer the direction of the evolution concerning the market structures as well as a gradual change from an “objective” approach into “objective and subjective” one taking into account the current conditioning.

Keywords: real estate market, subjective plane of real estate market, evolution of real estate market

JEL Classicication: D03, R21

Citation (APA): Brzezicka, J., Wiśniewski, R. (2015). Kierunki ewolucji badań rynku nieruchomości. Świat Nieruchomości, (2(92)), 43-48.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2015.92.06

Adam Nalepka - Public-Private Partnership Development in Poland in the Years 2009-2014

In the article the Author addresses the problem of public-private partnership (PPP) development in Poland in the years 2009-2014. Within this period 363 PPPs were initiated. These projects were assessed according to (1) legal form, (2) nature of public tasks and in the context of the territorial and administrative division of the country. The article also raises the problem of local government debt in Poland and the need to undertake research projects on PPPs in the context of growing deficit of public finances.

Keywords: public-private partnership, project, investments

JEL Classicication: H54

Citation (APA): Nalepka, A. (2015). Projekty partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego (PPP) w Polsce w latach 2009–2014. Świat Nieruchomości, (2(92)), 49-54.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2015.92.07

Anna Katarzyna Wieczór, Ewelina Pawłowska, Mirosław Henryk Filar - Historical Buildings in Małopolska Used by Universities

This article treats on the problem of historical objects located in the province of Małopolska and used by universities. It features an outline of the history of the palace and the park in the village of Młoszowa near Trzebina, Duke Alexander Lubomirski Foundation Shelter – Main Building, and other components of the complex of the historical character that are currently the seat of the University of Economics in Cracow and Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University. The aim of the article is to show how these historic and ancient objects perform their modified and updated function nowadays as well as their economic and financial condition.

Keywords: renovation, spatial planning, historical buildings, financial condition

JEL Classicication: R00, Z00

Citation (APA): Wieczór, A.K., Pawłowska, E., Filar, M.H. (2015). Obiekty zabytkowe Małopolski użytkowane przez szkoły wyższe. Świat Nieruchomości, (2(92)), 55-60.

DOI: 10.14659/worej.2015.92.08

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